Projekt międzynarodowy Ethicsweb 2008-2009

Program Ramowy: projekt EURETHNET -  współpraca z kilkunastoma europejskimi ośrodkami bioetyki polegająca na budowie Europejskiej Sieci Informatycznej i Bibliograficznej

„Etyka w Medycynie i Biotechnologii"

Description and purpose of the project:

The aim of the project is to quick and easy access to information and documentation on ethics, bioethics, health protection and biomedical sciences. Bioethical database, which was established under the project Ethicsweb provide access to different materials for science staff, students and for each other, who interested bioethical issues.

The Ethicsweb project also allows access to websites (databases) other centers, which take on the bioethical issue in the international arena.The result of creation of ethical database will be iIntegration and better cooperation between research centers at the level of information, documentation and access to education. Database of Centre for Human Ecology and Bioethisc is divided into two parts: one of them is a collection of literature, ethics and medical law, the secondof them is a collection of human ecology and environmental sciences. The bibliographic database consists of: books, magazines, multimedia and links. In database are the publications, which are in library resources and another publications and data, which exist only in database as a bibliographic  items. According to the current status of the stocks of the library are more than 3.5 thousand items.

The Centre for Human Ecology and Bioethics at the University of Cardinal Stephan Wyszynski in Warsaw is the interdepartmental scientific and educational unit, which conducts interdisciplinary research, training service, consulting and publishing activity in the field of human ecology and bioethics (medical ethics). The Centre was established in 2000. Its scope of activities includes:

- Research in the fields of bioethics, human ecology, social sciences and environmental ethics,

- Organization of postgraduate studies, international courses and conferences, with particular attention on bioethical issues,

- Maintaining a database on bioethics

- providing a specialist library, which contains in the polish and foreign publications of bioethics

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